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Why Your Business Needs an Integrated Marketing Strategy in 2021

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

Integrated marketing ensures that prospects and customers have a consistent experience every time they interact with your brand. Yes, this means using the same brand colours and tagline across all channels, but that’s only the start. And it isn’t just about digital marketing channels. A truly integrated approach works traditional media, such as print advertising or direct mail, into the mix.Why is integrated marketing so hard to do?Aligning and coordinating marketing activities across multiple channels sounds complicated. For many SMBs it is, and a CMO Council study confirms large corporations face the same challenge. In fact, only 1% of marketers surveyed said they were confident they’re delivering a consistent experience across traditional and digital channels. Without the right team, expertise, and strategy, an integrated marketing campaign falls flat. That’s why many SMBs choose to partner with Yellow Pages, leveraging sophisticated strategies and tools for their integrated marketing needs.Shawn Woodford is YP’s Director of National Publishing Operations. In his role overseeing sales and business development functions, Shawn sees clients have breakthrough success when they “go integrated.”How does integrated marketing work?“What we've seen is that something like a regular direct mail piece can have anywhere from a one to 10 per cent response rate,“ Shawn offers. “Once you add an integrated offer on top of it, you can get your response rate to go as high as five times that number.”“We're able to get very surgical in the way that we can deliver messaging,” Shawn says, to explain how one popular integrated campaign model works.It starts by leveraging a wealth of audience data from multiple sources, including Canada Post as a certified Smartmail Marketing™ Expert Partner. A campaign can begin with a postcard that’s hand-delivered to ideal customers before shifting to digital media tactics.“We're able to overlay that same audience with Facebook data, reaching those same people with ads through their Facebook feed, or through our Smart Display solution, which would land in various mediums on desktop and mobile.”Why invest in an integrated marketing strategy now?Integrated marketing certainly isn’t new, but it’s increasingly important to develop a unified messaging plan to help your business stand out in today’s saturated market. Here are a few reasons to try it for yourself:

  • You reach a bigger audience When compared to a single-channel campaign, the odds of being seen by your ideal customers on more than one channel are high. This keeps your offering top of mind and starts to build a relationship. “It's all about the familiarity of a product,” reiterates Shawn. “That’s why you’ll see an ad four or five times during a television program that you’re watching, just to make sure it sticks in your mind.”

  • You receive better results Online and offline work together as “a winning combination,” Shawn says, and the data reinforces his experience. People paid 39% more attention to integrated campaigns that had both direct mail and digital, when compared to single-media digital campaigns, according to research conducted by Canada Post. And that attention translates into brand awareness, website traffic, and sales.

  • You save money “It’s a turnkey service. We work with you directly providing full creative services to get you exactly what you’re looking for,” Shawn adds. Once you have that singular look and message, you’ll be able to reuse creative assets across multiple marketing channels.

How can I create an integrated marketing strategy?The options are many, and the certified experts at YP can advise on how to reach your goals, at the best ROI. Are you looking to build awareness for a new product or service? Do you have a seasonal offer to promote? Do you want digital leads or foot traffic into your physical premises?YP offers a full range of marketing solutions. Your ideal integrated marketing program could include the following popular products:

What will your ideal program look like? Let Yellow Pages experts create a fully integrated marketing solution for your business. Get a free consultation today with one of our Media Account Consultants by calling 1-877-553-6883.

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