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Do You Have a Realistic Staffing Plan?

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

Do You Have a Realistic Staffing Plan?

As a Canadian business preparing to reopen, do you have the team you need to get back to work?You’ve reviewed all relevant provincial and federal legislation (plus public health recommendations), ensured your business is compliant and given staff notice of the planned return to work. Now, some staff members may be unable—or unwilling—to come back.According to a June 2020 Statistics Canada survey, 4 out of 10 Canadians who shifted to working from home still do not feel safe in returning to their workplace.Reassure staff by communicating clear sanitation and social distancing practices, offering face masks and other PPE and instructing employees with any signs of illness to stay home.Employees need a valid reason to refuse to return to work. Employers may be obligated to accommodate those with a chronic health condition or who are pregnant. Those with childcare issues or who care for a sick relative may be eligible for job protected leave. Consult your provincial government for COVID-19 related labour and employment policy.Consider flexible options. Could you allow some staff members to continue to work from home? If you need to hire, prepare for a virtual recruitment and onboarding process. The pandemic has left many qualified candidates looking for work—including students. This may be an unexpected opportunity to refresh your talent pool.




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